Architectural Services
We support Māori communities and organisations to progress their papakāinga, marae, whenua development and commercial projects. We combine cultural and technical expertise to cocreate a design process that takes into considerations the history, culture and aspirations of the whānau or community, allowing for maximum whānau input and engagement, and providing the expertise and assurance required to support effective decision-making.
Our team is equipped to manage projects from start to finish. We provide a coordinated range of services, including:
Facilitating whānau visioning hui
Providing advice on accessing funding and Māori Land Court processes
Project planning
Assembling an appropriate team for the project
Providing ongoing project management and coordinating all consultants for the duration of the project
Masterplanning and concept design
Cultural mapping
Facilitating co-design wānanga
Assessing project feasibility
Preparation and lodgement of resource consent applications (preliminary design) or equivalent (including Papakāinga Development Plans - Whangārei District Council).
Preparation and lodgement of all documentation required to obtain building consent (developed and detailed design)
Running the tender process and engaging and supervising the general contractor (procurement)
Contract administration and observation
Obtaining code compliance certificates (final sign-off) from Council
Specialist (Kaupapa Māori) Design Services
We work alongside hapū / mana whenua groups to articulate, interpret and express their cultural values and narratives through the design of their physical environments. We have experience providing cultural design services on major civic, commercial and education projects. These services include:
Working alongside hapū / mana whenua groups to identify and record their cultural narratives and values, and to identify aspirations and priorities
Working alongside project architects and landscape architects to inform the development of high-level organisational strategies, including siting of buildings on site, recognition of view shafts and facilitating cultural protocols and relationships
Working alongside landscape architects to inform the development of landscape / site level strategies, including plant and tree selection, and colour and material palettes
Working collaborating with project architects to identify opportunities for spatial planning that supports cultural protocols and relationships, and to identify opportunities for cultural narratives integration, including appropriate material and colour selection, and building integrated artwork.
Development of text for signage and interpretation panels
Working alongside and briefing mana whenua-appointed artists
These services are provided only at the invitation of mana whenua, with our appointment and mandate for involvement solely at their discretion.
Urban Design Services
Matakohe has expertise in the development and application of kaupapa Māori urban design principles and methods. We offer a range of urban design services:
Preparation of urban design assessments
Urban design policy & design guidelines
Hapū / mana whenua consultation processes