Pātai mai
Interested in working together? Contact us at info@matakohe.co.nz or call us on 09 430 0278 to organise a time to kōrero about your project.
We have two offices - our Whangārei main office is located at 109 Lower Dent St (close to the Town Basin) in Whangārei, and our Tāmaki Makaurau office is located at 478 Karangahape Rd, Auckland CBD.
Tari/Office - Whangārei
109 Lower Dent St, Whangārei
Wāhi Pōhi/Postal Address - Whangārei
PO Box 1092
Whangārei 0140
Tari/Office - Tāmaki Makaurau
478 Karangahape Rd, Tāmaki Makaurau