Dargaville Racecourse Redevelopment
Year: 2021
Status: Plan change lodged early 2022, due to conclude mid-2023
Client: Dargaville Racing Club, Dargaville Community Development Board and Te Runanga o Ngāti Whātua
Location: Awakino Point, Dargaville
Type: Masterplan
Discipline: Urban Design
Description: The Dargaville Racecourse is located 3km outside of Dargaville town on State Highway 14, in the Kaipara District. In August 2020, a decision was made by the New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing Association to stop racing activities at the Dargaville Racecourse.
In late 2020, the Dargaville Racing Club (DRC) applied and successfully received Provincial Growth Funding (PGF) to prepare a plan change to support future mixed-use development of the site. This application was a joint proposal between DRC, the Dargaville Community Development Board and Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua (the Tripartite Group). A mixed-use development, including a retirement village, affordable housing and light industrial activities is proposed on the 46.7 hectare former racecourse site.
Matakohe worked in collaboration with The Urban Advisory to develop the concept plan. This included an indicative subdivision plan and bulk and location plan to inform yield studies and feasibility analysis, an illustrated concept development plan and renders for community consultation, and a zoning plan and urban design assessment to inform and support the plan change.
A Cultural Impact Assessment was also completed as part of the project. This was led by Landform Consulting with the support of Matakohe. Matakohe also supported The Urban Advisory to undertake community consultation.
A Private Plan Change to Kaipara District Council’s District Plan was made in early 2022. This process is due to conclude mid-2023.